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Licensed and Insured, Over 10 years of Audio Visual experience

Awen Audio and our network of contractors will take your ideas from concept to reality. We have a wide range of services to offer our clients. From home theater design and construction to removing hum from old audio recordings, trouble shooting a broken stereo to installing whole house or business audio systems. We are here to help provide a means to your dreams. 



Awen Audio Design Services

Electrical installation and service - sound editing - noise reduction - podcast mixing and production - commercial and residential audio system installation - audio products - security systems - home automation - consultation



Keith Nolan
Limited License Electrician

Proprietor - IMDB


Keith has been recording solo albums since high school. He graduated from the Maine Media Workshops for film and worked as a location sound engineer in New York City for 4 years. For the last 10 years he has installed commercial audio / video systems and has become a licensed Electrician in TN. 



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